Project Overview: IBM Graph, a UI for revolutionizing the way data is connected. 


Howdy! You've stumbled across the case study detailing the design and development process of IBM Graph, IBM's hosted & managed graph data store AAS (V.1 releasing in June 2016). This page is an evolving work in progress and excludes much of the documentation, presentations and iteration created over a 6 month period, so if you'd like to dive in deeper, just contact Chris Befeld for a full overview. 

I believe the importance of Graph Database technology will become paramount in the next century of applications, systems and organizations. The power to model the world's data structures in an organic, traversable fashion will change the way data & analytics is utilized to solve real world problems. In turn, users need a way to interact with these structures,

So we created IBM Graph 



Chris Befeld - UX
Dillon Eversman - UX
Ben Resnick - Lead FED
Bhavika Shah - Project Lead



11505 Burnett Rd
Austin, Texas



Design Start Date Dec 2015
V.1 Release Date June 2016


Fun Fact: IBM Graph was initially named Traversa

Fun Fact: IBM Graph was initially named Traversa